Mekia Wray

Hi there! My name is Mekia and I live in the picturesque town of Santa Fe, Tennessee! I share a joyful life with my husband, Jason, and our two sons, Wesley and Adam. With a passion for history that dates back to my childhood, my travel adventures began early on, exploring the diverse landscapes of the United States with my family.

 My travel journey took a romantic turn in 2017 when Jason whisked me away to Ireland for Valentine’s Day. This trip ignited an undying love for Ireland that has since seen us returning multiple times, fostering a deep connection with its culture and landscapes. Our travels have not stopped there; we’ve also ventured to Scotland, Norway, Egypt, and enjoyed cruising in the Bahamas. Each destination has been a treasure trove of memories and experiences.

 What excites me most about travel is the adventure it brings—whether it’s riding ATVs across the lush Irish fields or soaring over the majestic sand dunes of the Egyptian desert. As your travel designer, I am thrilled to share these passions and experiences, helping to craft unforgettable journeys that are as unique and adventurous as the places we’ll explore together.